Spring Square
Bankstown NSW
Connecting the Urban Context of Bankstown
Spring Square delivers a mixed-use offering, combining residential, retail, commercial and medical offers, into a precinct that insightfully considers Bankstown’s current condition and responses to the area's future growth.

Our design connects the western residential area of Bankstown with its Town Centre located to the east through realising a clear and legible pedestrian through site link. The pedestrian link offers a dynamic and vibrant public space activated with retail, commercial, childcare and medical uses. Places to meet, play and socialise support the retail and Food and Beverage offers.

Located above the retail offer are 5 residential buildings providing a diversity of dwellings, totalling 516, connecting to a large podium communal open space. Emphasising public open space, maximising building amenities and further connecting the urban context has been paramount to its success.

Residential Apartments
Facade Layering
Kitchen and Living Space
Bedroom with Balcony
Contextual View

Spring Square


32 Kitchener Parade, Bankstown NSW australia

Indigenous Lands

Dharug Country




Poly Developments

Key Stats

  • 516 Apartments
  • 2,840m² Retail and Specialty Shops
  • 2,590m² Commercial and Medical Space
  • Childcare Centre
  • Experiential
  • Hotels
  • Workplace
  • Hospitality
Ross Smith Hotel Precinct
  • Living
  • Affordable Housing
Ironbark Apartments
  • Public
  • Arts & Culture
Australian War Memorial Southern Entrance and Parade Ground
  • Public
  • Transport & Infrastructure
Sydney Opera House VAPS
  • Living
  • Build to Rent
Macaulay Road Kensington
  • Commercial
  • Workplace
  • Retail
20 Hunter Street